Organisational Development and Managers Meeting

The Organisation Development (OD) team at CML is in charge of organising and training staff. There are 4 trainers and some branches have staff who can also run training classes. The training team is in charge of Learner Web which is the program used for course registrations. All CML positions have a position description and each staff member is given a learning track. Learning tracks are guides to what CML courses they need to complete to be able to do their job. Most of their training schedules are planned on a 3 month basis and core activities are planned 6- 12 months in advance. There are courses for managers who must attend the training which adds up to 55 hours a year. All staff register themselves for courses and managers can approve it afterwards.

New staff who are employed at CML go through a training process called On Boarding, they are automatically enrolled into the introduction courses. They fill out paperwork, staff benefits, intranet information and get their picture taken for the staff directory. Once they completed the introduction and start working in the branch they are then shown branch processes and how to use the ILS(Integrated Library System). OD's main focus is on Core training, management training and technology training. They run many training course and if there is not enough attendance for any of the training sessions they will not run them again. OD also have training cds or other training guides which can be borrowed for staff use. Their management training includes all managers as well as the ELT(Executive Management Team). They use a company called Business Of People and have provided this training to over 100 staff.

Managers Meeting

The monthly managers meeting was held at the Main Library with over 70 managers present. It was a 3 hour meeting that started of with an introduction from Pat Lozinski (Director of CML) . The agenda included Strategic messages(Strategic Plan), IT updates, Customer Service Survey update, Benefits(health) and other business which they refer to as Announcements.


The security system at CML is centralised and cameras/footage from any branch can be accessed at the Main library. There are about 35 security officers who work for CML and each branch has 1-2 officers some full time some part-time. There is a courtesy phone located at each branch for public use (no charge). All staff have swipe cards which gives them access to all the branches.
Any incidents that occur at the branches are reported online (form). This is sent directly to security and followed up. No signature is required but the form is detailed and information can be added to the report. Only security has full access to the form once it has been submitted.

There are 2 bookmobiles that cater for children's services. It runs everyday and 40-50 storytimes are held throughout the week and an extra 50 storytimes that are run for special needs children. The bookmobile visits about 15 sites a week and each storytime runs for 30 minutes. There are 8 staff who run the programs and each mobile has a driver a storyteller and an officer to help. They attend various locations such as schools, parks and swimming pools.


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