Operations Center

The Operations Center is Located in Gahanna and was built over 6 years ago. The building was designed to be energy efficient and use Solar heating. There is no library at Ops Center, it is used as office space. We were given a tour around the Ops Centre and it is huge. The Technical Services Department are located there and they take up most of the Ground floor. It is a very big department with a conveyor belt that takes the new items to the different processors. It is also where the main sorting for the branches is done. IT are on the 2nd floor. Property Management CML have 23 vans- outreach, IT, bookmobile etc. They use a courier service to deliver items to home-bound library members. This team is in charge of the property budget, security, construction, remodeling, signage, cleaning, maintenance and lots more. They are a very busy team at CML. There is a central security system with 506 cameras operating. Security is managed from Ops Centre and Main library, they also have 1 to 2 security guards, some part time, at each branch (employed by CML). There is also a central ac/heating system, all heating and a/c to all CML libraries can be managed from the central system. The computer can determine the temperature of each building and sections within the building :) very fancy.

Digital Service DS team have many new projects going, one is to update the website and they have great ideas. The update will include changes to the catalogue screen in branches, My Account online, staff blogs, and updating the EnvisionWare software on the self checks. I can say the team spend a long time planning and working out their designs. One great thing was the 5 second test where a sheet of the web design is held up for 5 seconds and they ask what you remembered about the site from looking at it for a short period of time. When you have sites that are cluttered with heaps of information you don't remember as much. The team has designed great sites for the staff blogs and catalogue which are simple and easy to follow and they look great too :). As they explained it is a long planning process and they do several tests to public and staff before it is rolled out.


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